Our Vision
At 7D FitForLife, we go out of our way to add innovation to:
- Training
- Diet
- Supplements and overall health and fitness.
We are active in all these fields and we want our partners/friends, to reap the benefits. The Health and Fitness market is worth billions of pounds and new and innovative ideas are springing up all the time.
With that in mind, Our Vision is to:
- Keep all of our guests up to date,
- Introduce our guests to know innovative ideas and companies,
- Share in their success.
We will be evaluating and discussing the key new innovations, from both a health & fitness point of view, but also help our guests and partners take advantage of these great business ideas.
Is there a better absorption method for vitamins, minerals etc…?
What’s the Hype Around CBD /HEMP?
“By growing high-CBD hemp, I’ve seen a small farm (7 acres!) earn $1.2 million in one year; I’ve seen another farm (55 acres) make $8 million in a year.
Other crops will typically leave new farmers earning, on average, $26,000 for the first five years. It only takes a few acres of hemp while growing other crops to turn a substantial profit.”